Sarah from Pizza Cat came over to my apartment one night to watch wrestling and work on some music, we ended up with a cool little demo for one of her new songs. I can't wait to record more of her music.
This is from the same session as JV Basketball Coach but we finally got around to adding vocals a few months later. Jordan and I made a day out of playing around with running vocals through my Traynor and finding out which mics were broken. Ugh. This is my favorite song that Diving has ever written.
Ryan Betori is a whiz kid electronic R&B singer song writer that I had the pleasure of working with in late 2012. I mainly helped him record his vocals and mix his songs down but I hope to hear more from him soon.
Recording Costumes (featuring members of Diving, a staff writer for Absolute Punk, and a certain cat that lives with me) was my first toe into the ocean that has been recording pop punk bands. Four on the floor beats abound on Pets, the debut album by my good friend Drake Moreno and his many friends.
When it came time for Diving to rerelease their debut album, Places and the Objects You Find There, they asked me if I would record an alternate version of one of the songs from the album. This song was recorded straight through my interface in one day and mixed the next. You can find the full album here.
During the summer of 2012 I was tapped to compose a few pieces of music for an upcoming documentary, this is one of many pieces that I wrote and recorded in what felt like a fever dream. I believe that this was originally tracked on an acoustic guitar and edited in Ableton Live.
Four Birds had been working on the songs for their debut EP for close to a year and when we started recording it definitely showed. The drums were tracked in their singers living room and the rest of the instruments and vocals were recorded in different apartments and practice spaces across the greater Austin area. To read about the recording at length you can peruse my blog.
After recording Five Greatest Rappers at the end of 2011, Diving just couldn't get over their time spent working with me and when they needed to record a few songs for their upcoming split with labelmates, Sixteen, we got together and hammered out three tracks over a sleepless weekend. This song and two more (along with three songs by Sixteen) will be available in early 2013 on Texas Is Funny Records.
When Amanda Deibert contacted me about writing a song for the short that she was filming with her friend Alex Carson, she sent me the script and after I wrote a couple of songs that I thought would fit but this just felt right. To be completely honest, it took a couple of weeks for me to watch the short in it's entirety after knowing how the ending played out. I don't want to ruin the story for you but grab some tissue and go to